Eye care

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IPL and Eye Health- Protecting Your Vision from Screen Strain

IPL and Eye Health: Protecting Your Vision from Screen Strain

The Indian Premier League (IPL) is not merely a cricketing extravaganza; it's a cultural phenomenon that grips millions of cricket enthusiasts worldwide. According to a…
Quality Sleep Impacts Vision

The Link Between Sleep and Eye Health: How Quality Sleep Impacts Vision

In today's fast-paced world, where screens glow late into the night and stress levels soar, our precious sleep often takes a backseat.
Beautiful Girl face. Perfect skin

2024 Vision: Embracing a New Era of Eye Care Trends and Technologies

Explore cutting-edge eye care innovations with Dr. Surbhi Kapadia. Discover how AI, telemedicine, and VR are transforming vision health and offering new hope.
Secrets to Crystal-Clear Vision

Unlocking the Secrets to Crystal-Clear Vision: The Ultimate Guide to General Eye Care

In a world dominated by screens and digital devices, maintaining optimal eye health has never been more crucial. Research suggests that we now spend more…

Unveiling the Mystery: What Happens When There’s Blood in Your Eye?

Encountering blood within the eye, an instance medically referred to as Subconjunctival hemorrhage, can be startling and raise immediate concerns
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